Despite the lack of sleep all week, and feeling like I was going to pass out at anytime during one of the long races.I had the best week ever. Everytime we'd see Phelps, Lochte, or Jones we felt instantly energized. I know that's kinda lame to say, but it was true. Seeing some of your favorite swimmers dominate and tear it up was just so amazing. We met so many nice and great ppl...Gold Medal Mel, Ryan Lochte, Matt Grevers,GWG,PVK,Cullen Jones,Mark Gangloff,Summer Sanders,Eric Shanteau,Nick Thoman,Ricky Berens,Fred Bousquet,THE ONE AND ONLY Bob Bowman, the undeniably wonderful Debbie Phelps and her just as sweet daughter Hilary Phelps, whom we met 2x's and remembered us :). The list goes on and on. I'm sorry if I have forgotten anyone. Whitney had the most pics with ppl. And to those we didn't meet. It's ok, we know you are busy. ;) :) Much love though. We made some new friends and took some awesome pictures. I know Kait, Ana, Whitney,Megan,Nikki and I had a blast, it will never be forgotten. I'm telling you all, if you can go to a swim meet, DO IT. It will make you wanna go to more. I just heard a rumor that Nats are in California next year, guess who's going??? :D Alright, this will be my last post as guest blogger. I truly had an amazing time writing it. Sorry it wasn't out on time everyday. You are all the best! Thanks for taking the time out to read it. I appreciate all the posititve feed back on everything I had writen and posted, no matter how much of a dork I have been. Honestly, it means the world...I wouldn't lie to you :D PPP reppin' in Indy 2009!
See you on the wall,