So excited because Grand Prix season is back! Basically it means that so many swimfans will get a chance to see their fav swimmers compete in different races across the country. Chances for autographs, pictures, world records, and random sightings! Last week Phriends Lindi, Lizeth, and Shan went to the Long Beach Grand Prix and watched as Mike proved again he can win races in a jammer. Our resident photographer Liz posted some pix up on the PPP Facebook Wall. So join up to check them out!
Ok, the next big buzz is the upcoming Charlotte Ultraswim meet! Last year this meet was a big deal because of Mike's return to competition after Beijing. Also many Phriends and members of the Reezy Nation met and fell into deeper swimfan love with Ryan Steven Lochte. Too much fun! These meets not only educate swimfans about swimming, but also gives a chance for all of us Facebook swimfan friends to meet up and cheer swimmers on! The lucky few get to meet and greet celebrities, including Gold Medal Mel, and have random swimmer sightings. But usually its just fun for everyone to meet up and have an awesome time. We take it quite seriously considering most of us fly from Canada, drive from Illinois, or plan a vacation completely around upcoming meets. And YES, several Phriends will represent at the Charlotte Ultraswim this year. Keep checking our Wall to find out information about tickets and whose looking to make it a road trip type of situation. AND of course all of us have our eyes on California in August for NATIONALS! So hope to see some of you on the road this year!