Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is the Thrill GONE???

Talking to some phriends recently I noticed a little recurring statement. When you hear it once in a while you dont think much of it. It's pretty much the following: "Yeah, I dont follow/like/love/pay attention to _____ like I used to." At this point, the true friendships that formed from the Phriends have very little to do with what Michael may or may not be doing. It's about our connections to each other. It happened over time, so I didnt really notice it.

I think it's bound to happen whenever fans spend so much time and effort searching for info or arguing about their fave celebs and athletes. Eve and Candace got major points for 'Fat Girl Syndrome' well Im calling out another equally disturbing, yet oh so true issue: New Toy Syndrome.
As defined by myself, NTS refers to the cycle of Discovery-Admiration-Assimilation-DONE!!!
Its that feeling we've all had at some point in our lives when the newness wears off of something. But hearing these comments got me thinking, is the thrill gone out of our love for the swimmers? Is our dedication just as strong as the dedication we have to a new pair of shoes that we eventually leave under the seat of our car and forget about?

For some of us, yes. And thats normal. But for me, and others it's a big fat NO!! Why? Because we're more than fans of swimmers, we fell in love with the swimworld. I know I have because Im always happy to hear that my young cousins are learning to swim or using the neighbor's pool. Whenever swimming comes up, Im ready with my USA Swimming Foundation/Cullen Jones/Make a Splash lecture, just in case. Im always happy to see the new swimfans get involved. And everyday Im moving closer and closer to getting over my fears about swimming.

But when you don't see swimming competitions everyday it can get frustrating. World Trials was so much fun this year, that the countdown is already going for the trip to Cali for next year's Trials. But until then, we have to celebrate the swimworld's victories. Like MP on Shaq vs., which by the way was so much fun to watch. I loved seeing how competitive both Mike and Shaq can be. Or what about my fav Natalie Coughlin on DWTS? This is the first time Im actually watching the show. Or Ryan Lochte winning USA Swimming's Swimmer of The Year? In a non Olympic year, Swimming is gaining more appeal than ever. So just because we don't see MP competing or planning a trip to a swim meet, it doesnt mean we've stopped our love for swimming. It just means we're gonna be more excited for the upcoming year. Plus we're super excited about the Chicago 2016 Olympic Bid outcome this week! Hopefully Chi-Town will get it! If so then Drea better get ready for company!

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